Monday, May 19, 2014

Friday, May 9, 2014

Spinning fun

What's more fun than being spun around?   Lauren is doing her part in gaining weight.  She is just a few ounces away from 30 pounds so who knows how much longer we will be able to do this.  Although Ava is 1.5 years younger, she weighs just a few pounds less.

P.S.  Those keeping track of her development progress.... Lauren is now 37 inches.

Easter 2014

Easter we hosted at the house with a very simple brunch.  Everyone brought something over so all we had to do were the potatoes and sausages.   We hid the eggs in the front yard and Lauren had an advantage as she practiced egg hunting a few days before at daycare.  Ava and Sophia caught on pretty fast though and at the end all eggs were found and opened.

Thanks tante Grace for our Easter Baskets!
Trying to wait patiently for someone to stop taking pictures and say "Go!"

Looking for eggs
Lolo:  "Ava put the eggs in my basket please."
Hi five oom Agga!
Sorting through all the eggs

Thursday, May 8, 2014

SF..... the rest of the pictures

Here are the rest of the random, touristy, and eatery pictures from our San Francisco trip.  A great trip and with memorable bonding memories for the cousins.

Land's End

 Fog City Diner

Who want to go to Ghiradelli?

Pescadero - Clam Chowder!

 Ready to go home!

Happy Birthday #2 Ava

 Happy Birthday # 2 Ava!  Celebrating her birthday with yummy cakes and cousins. 

"Hello photographers..... kids are sticking fingers in the cake!!!"
Then they decided to play let's all sit on Daniel!  Daniel is a great big brother!

Goat Farm

One of the outings we took while on our vacation to SF was to Harley Goat Farms in Pescadero.  It was a beautiful spring day since it had just rained the day before.  A fun day of hanging with the goats and sampling goat cheese.

 Five day old baby goats
 Lauren and Kirra amused themselves during the "this is how cheese is made" explanation by taking pictures of themselves.