For spring break we decided to drive to San Francisco and see how Lauren would do in a long car trip. She did great considering the long time she had to be in her seat. Although somehow she has learned the phrase "my back hurts" and was saying that in the long stretches of the drive. We're not quite sure if her back really hurts or if she is just mimicking what she hears us say.
One of the days we were there, we went to the ferry building. Lauren, loves, loves, loves mushrooms. So she was very impressed with the mushroom store in the ferry building. She said, "Look at all the mushrooms!" then proceeded to examine them all.
Then we decided to take the ferry over to Sausalito since the weather was so gorgeous that day. Lauren loved the boat ride and loved the ice cream treat even better.
It was nice for Lauren to spend time with her cousins since we only see Kirra and Liam a few times a year.
We also took Lauren to the SF Zoo via public transporation. Lauren loved the Muni train and bus.
Saying "hi Muni Train" for each train that went by. |
Thanks for hosting us tante Joanie and oom Colin!