Another paperwork free day! We are now waiting for Lauren's passport to be issued so that it can be taken to the US Consulate for processing. So today we headed off to the Guangzhou Zoo. It was a pretty nice zoo, clean and lots of plants around. Of course we went to see the Pandas, China's National Treasures. There are two pandas in the Guangzhou Zoo. Lauren was more active today and had a great time when I let her off the Ergo and just let her walk around. We had our first leak through the diaper experience, so the Ergo was a bit wet. Of course changing her diaper in public is not easy as she is still freaking out with new things. She had some interest in the animals, but when they moved around. She was most interested in the leaves on the ground. She kept picking one up and holding it in her hand as she walked. Dad was worried that it was dirty, but taking something out of Lauren's hands when she is not ready to give it up is not an easy task! Dad tried to trick her by finding a newer cleaner leaf and trying to switch, but she was not falling for it and made a loud protest. So then he held up both leaves, her original old leaf and the newer cleaner one, Lauren went with her original leaf. She can be one determined and strong will child.

When we came back to the hotel we decided that we would just to to McDonald's which is next door to the hotel for convenience sake. So Lauren got to try her first McDonald's chicken nuggets and fries. Both of which she liked! She is getting so much better in feeding herself and biting off the food that she is holding in her hand. I also let her try regular milk, but she is not too sure of that one.
After a 2.5 hour nap, we decided to head off to the hotel's playground. This is the first time that I have let her nap without waking her up. Usually she is woken up since we have to be somewhere. She is a good sleeper, but fights going down as she wants to still play. This happens at bedtime too, she can amuse and occupy herself for oven an hour before I can get her to finally sleep. Not a good thing for me, because I am so tired that I tend to nod off before she is asleep.
It is obvious that although her orphanage had a play structure she had never played in it. She did not know what to do at all. So we just allowed her to explore and watch the other kids that were playing. After sometime she started to get closer and began playing. She is hesitant with new things but after multiple exposures will try to experience. We have to remember that all she has known is the four bare walls of the orphanage so all things are new.