We have reached our one week home milestone. All in all Lauren did great. So much better than we expected. We had prepared for the worse case scenario but we are finding that Lauren is surpassing all our expectations. She sure is one resilient kid!
We have tried to be low-keyed, keeping her stimulation to a minimum, while beginning to expose her to her new world. Everything is new to her, new sights, new smells, new souinds. She is taking it all in, and you can see her little brain trying to take it all in and process it. Perhaps that is why she is sleeping so much!
Training her to sleep with Glo Worm |
Of all things new to her, the biggest amusement is our dog Bali. Bali loves kids but the neighborhood kids are all school aged who play with her and she can get a bit excited. With Lauren not so steady on her feet, we were keeping them apart, unless we were both home to each manage one. With a newly bathed dog and the rain yesterday, we had no choice but to keep Bali inside yesterday. It was pure love and happiness for Lauren. She squealed when Bali licked her hand and has full belly laughs when Bali barks! (and she barked alot today because the wind kept blowing the bells on the side gate)
First meeting, "Hello, we are going to be friends." |
Poor Bali is exhausted! |
Lauren also had her first doctor's appointment here in the states. She was not a happy camper. She cried from the moment they had me put her on the scale and wailed when the doctor was examining her. The doctor was great and very understanding. This is just something hthat Lauren is going to have to get used to as there are a lot of tests and screenings to be done. But we are taking things slow and this week it was just an examination. We will wait until next week or so to start the lab work. Lauren is currently 32 inches (20th percentile) and 22.5 lbs (below the 5th percentile). So the doctor wants us to fatten her up. She is now on formula and we are starting her on whole milk. She is not a fan of it, so I am sneaking it into her bottle and hope to soon transition to a sippy cup. But for now we are letting her have the bottle 2 times a day (nap time and bed time)
At the doctor's waiting room. She figured out how to use this after watching two boys play with it. |
In the eating area, Lauren continues to do well. Although I am noticing that she is slowing down. We have learned that she likes carrots and peas. Her independence is beginning to show through as she demands more and more to feed herself. She will spit out food that she can not swallow and will throw food down to the floor if she does not want it. We are working on her giving me the food that she does not want rather than throwing it on the floor. (although Bali does not mind)
Noodle Girl trying to feed herself |
"mmmmm.... carrots and peas" |
First taste of pizza. She basically just licked the sauce off the crust. |
I'd rather eat your spicy burrito than my scrambled eggs! |
Besides the doctor, we have also begun to venture out. Our first stop was Target. At first she was hesistant to get into the cart, but after a second try and pushing it, she stopped crying and enjoyed herself. This is when I realize how small her world had been as she took in everything at Target. We also went to the grocery store. We passed the deli counter and she started squealing as she saw food! The ladies were nice and gave her a slice of turkey which she loved.
First of many Target visits |
Thank you to all who sent emails, gifts, cards, and/or phone calls. We are still taking things slow and will let you know when we are up for visitors. We appreciate your understanding as we are working on attachment and trust with Lauren right now. We know that many are waiting to meet her. We look forward to introducing her to you soon. She is here forever! For now, we will update everyone on her progress through the blog and facebook. So stay tuned for her latest antics!
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