Saturday, November 3, 2012

We are home!

After a long day of  traveling, we are home!  Lauren did great on the flight.  We flew from Guangzhou to Beijing and then Beijing to LAX.  On the first leg of the flight I gave her a bottle when we were taking off taking off and the second leg, she was sucking on her fingers during take-off so the pressure change did not seem to bother her.  She sat on my lap in the ergo, but I was able to lay her down during the Beijing to LAX trip.  She slept for about 6 hours straight and then on and off for about 3 more hours.  She was mad that she could not roll over in the chair as she kept falling off.  All in all she was a good traveller.

First plane ride
Asleep in the plane.

Just landed at LAX

Finally home after a long flight!

We were greeted by family at the airport and came home to home cooked bubur (congee) and meatball soup.  My mom brought a helium balloon which Lauren loved.  I finally had to coax it out of her hand at bedtime.  She saw Bali through the glass window and was amused by Bali. She was laughing and babbling.  This morning we let them meet and she seemed to like Bali.  For now Bali is staying outdoors (poor Bali!).  Lauren is fine with her, but Bali does not understand that not all the toys are hers now.  (again, poor Bali!) 

Lauren and Ava meet for the first time

Maybe it was beginner's luck, but she was ok in the carseat on the way home!

She woke up and found the balloon again.

Hi Bali! 
Thank you again for the prayers and good wishes!

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